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まりんこゆみ(1) (星海社COMICS)

まりんこゆみ(1) (星海社COMICS)

"Marine Corps Yumi" JPN book 1 on sale!

"Marine Corps Yumi" Japanese book 1 is on sale today! I'm so happy I could die! (>_<)

Book 1 compiles online episodes 1-30, plus a bonus original episode. If you take off the dust jacket, you can read colorful words from Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Regina Derringer, so make sure to read those, too! (^_^)

You can always order on Amazon, but you get bonus items if you buy from these bookstores!

The project that I've been warming up ever since I separated from the Marines finally got on the internet, and now made into a book. I hope people will be enlightened to the female Marines' way of thinking and struggles they go through. The "Marine Corps Yumi" series wouldn't have been realized without the help of Takeshi Nogami-sensei and the staff of Seikaisha. Thank you very much!

I will continue to work hard to make "Marine Corps Yumi" as entertaining as possible! We will continue to push out new Japanese and English episodes every Tuesday, so please enjoy! (^_^)/

Next is an English edition, right? If there is enough support from English readers, it might be possible?! (Big wish!)