
ideal chauffeur

ちょっとドライブに行ったら、予想以上の渋滞にハマりました。本当は、風を感じながら景色を楽しみ、スイスイと行きたかったんですが、大行列の中でじりじりと進み、マイペースなドライバー、下手なドライバー、強引なドライバーなど、人間の悪い部分しか目に入らず、ウンザリでした。ストレス発散のつもりが、ストレスがたまり… orz


帰りは、相変わらず渋滞してたけど、旦那が運転してたし、私は助手席でバロンと一緒に寝てたから、あんまり覚えてません。 (^^;
Traffic jam all the way...
We went out for a little drive today, but unexpectedly ran into a major traffic jam. We wanted to enjoy the scenery and feel the wind as we glided through an area, but we ended up crawling through at a snail's pace, and I started to get irritated with the bad side of people like slow drivers, bad drivers, and selfish drivers. We were trying to relieve some stress, but got more stressed instead... orz.

The one way we relieved stress was to add the phrase "...rock you", copied from comedian Sekai no Nabeatsu's imitation of Queen's Freddie Mercury, at the end of my complaints/scathing comments. This had a cool effect, because it made my comments sound so minor and stupid, and made me laugh it off instead. For example, "Who is that idiot?! Why the hell did he cut in so closely, that a**hole, ohh, ohh-ohh...rock you." Simply put, it was an alternative to the phrase "F*ck you."

On the way back, the traffic was still jammed like ever, but since my hubby drove and I slept in the passenger seat with Baron most of the way, so I don't remember it much. (^^;