


私の特技は、飛行中ずっと寝ることです。離陸時に寝むり、着陸時に起きる、とても便利な体質です。今回着陸した後に、客室乗務員のお姉さんが「お客様、寝ておられましたね。ずっと何もお飲みにならなかったり、召し上がれなかったのですが、大丈夫ですか?」と心配してくれたぐらいです。(^_^) たしかに機内で11時間もぶっ続けで寝る人はそういないですよね。ある意味一番楽なお客だと思いますが…

When you fly across the Pacific from Japan to the US, due to the time zone differences, you gain almost a day. I flew out of Narita on Wednesday afternoon, but landed at the US West Coast on Wednesday morning. Is this a form of time travel?

My specialty is to sleep during the entire flight. I have a convenient tendency to fall asleep upon takeoff, and wake up at landing. After we landed on this flight, one of the flight attendants came to me and asked, "Ma'am, you've been asleep a long time. You haven't eaten or drank anything for a long time. Are you okay?" and was really worried about me. (^_^) I suppose there aren't that many people who sleep for 11 hours straight in a plane. I think I'm one of the easiest customers to deal with though...

Also, I actually fell asleep during the really short flight from LA to San Diego, which is less than an hour. (^^;