
big ocean, big heart...





I went back to my hometown, Okinawa, this week. Ahhh, the ocean is great. (^-^)

Oh yeah, are you familiar with the term "Uchinaa time" or "Okinawa time"? No, I'm not talking about the local newspaper, Okinawa Times. Simply defined, it's a sense of time that's really slow-paced.

For example, if I ask my friends to "come to bowling center by 3PM", all of them will arrive by 9PM. For mainland Japanese folks, it's pretty unforgivable to be late for so many hours, much less a few minutes, but for the Okinawans, it's an expected arrival time. In fact, for people who arrive right at 3PM, the others would think, "Huh? Aren't you really early?" (^^;

"Okinawa time" probably came about from the slow paced island life -- something like "not sweating the small stuff" or "having a big, forgiving heart." I will continue to update my blog on Okinawa time, so I hope you continue to support me. What? No, no, I'm not making excuses at all. I just want to help everyone get a big, forgiving heart as well. Eheh. (^_^;