



Hiya! Nice to meet you!
Hi there! I decided to start this blog to capture my random thoughts. I'll write stuff in both English and Japanese, in hopes that it'll help with language studies or translation. Thanks! Well, my first entry is just a simple rant... (sorry!)

When I translate manga, one of the common headaches I run into are onomatopoeia! Especially sounds that simply don't exist in English. "sheen" "doki" "waku waku" "tsukkomi" "giku" etc... Arrrgh. Some of them turn into explanations of the sound effect. Either that, or I could romanize the sound, but sometimes the readers might not comprehend what sort of sound the random jumble of letters is conveying. Let's take the sound of something sliding, "zuzazazaah" and "suruu." I could translate it into "SKRRRSH" or "SLIDE" - which are too vague with regards to meaning. In Japanese, you could sense the density/weight of the object and amount of resistance just by reading the words, but in English, you have to look at the image to get a better understanding of the sound effect.

...It's a constant struggle that frustrates me to no end these days.

(Note: "zuzazazaah" is a sliding sound of an object that's heavy and/or has high resistance [eg. a person sliding down a gravel slope], and "suruu" is a sliding sound of an object that's light and/or has little to no resistance [eg. penguin belly sliding on ice].)