
captain maritan

先日、米軍基地内で昼食を食べながら、テーブルにおいてあった無料コミックを何気に読みました。表紙の下のセリフが妙に引っかかりました:"Marv*l salutes the real heroes, the men and women of the US military"(マー●ルは真の英雄、米軍の男性・女性兵士に敬礼します。)「コレ、どっかで聞いたようなセリフだな…」と思い、家に帰ると、まりたん集中ドリル かいへい3ねんせい ([BOX商品])のアメコミ風イラストを見てビックリ!右下のセリフ:"Maritan fights with the real heroes - the men and women of the US military"(まりたんは真の英雄、米軍の男性・女性兵士と戦う。)微妙に似てる!スゲー、おかし過ぎる!


American comics-style Maritan, too awesome!
The other day, when I was eating lunch on base, I happened to come across a free comic book left on the table. The bottom part of the cover read "Marv*l salutes the real heroes, the men and women of the US military." I thought, "Hm? I saw this phrase before somewhere..." then went home, and was surprised when I saw the American comics-styled illustration in 、Maritan Focused Drills 3rd Grade edition. The bottom right of the illustration had the phrase "Maritan fights with the real heroes - the men and women of the US military." Holy smoke, talk about similar phrases! Too funny!

Upon closer examination, I noticed that Maritan resembles Captain America, Navy-san's bent leg looks exactly like the typical superheroine's "stick the toe out straight" pose, the heaviness of the big muscles are emphasized, and the outfits are super tight... the artist captured the characteristics of an American superhero comic just right. Hats off to Asami You sensei!