
military translator


この写真で、私が海兵隊のデカイ将校に説教タレてるように見えますが、違うんです!(>_<) 当時、私は現役の海兵隊員だったので、その将校の通訳をしてて、真剣に見つめてる自衛官たちの言い分を説明してただけ。




I'm not lecturing...
I found an old picture of me. I was pictured on page 177 of the book, "What schools don't teach you about the Japan Self Defense Force (Namiki Shobou)." The caption stated, "Command Post Exercises (CPX) are conducted in a tense environment," but did they make up this caption as they saw my tense face?

In this picture, it looks like I'm giving a piece of my mind to the US Marine officer, but it ain't so! (>_<) Back then, I was an enlisted Marine translator, explaining what the JSDF personnel, looking intently, were talking about to the officer.

But geez, I'm such a tiny munchkin, aren't I? Oh yeah, when the photographer was snapping photos of us, I thought, "Oh, the JSDF photographers are back again." I didn't realize it was a photographer of a regular book publisher... (^^;