
maritan toys




追伸 アキバBlogさんの記事はこちら、そしてぴくせる☆まりたんのブログはこちら

We ended up at the Sergeant Cafe
Today, I went to the Maritan fan-based event, the Sergeant Cafe. Our original plan was to go before opening and fix up the waitresses' uniforms/outfits, but my R-sempai (guy) ended up being the "evil Drill Instructor" and ran around the cafe all day like a maniac. He re-enacted the tense bootcamp atmoshpere quite accurately, which was all too nostalgic and fun(?) for us. (^^;

To all the "quarterdecked" recruits (punished customers) who had to repeatedly Run! Push! Jump! on his cue, thanks for enduring the pain! Please rest your body on Sunday!(^-^)

All the outfitted waitresses were really cute, and the reception and kitchen staff worked their butts off. More customers came than expected. To all the staff who made the "Sergeant Cafe" a success, great job!

PS. The AkibaBlog article can be found here, and the Pixel Maritan blog is here.