
where’s my manga, dammit?!

エリカ・フリードマンさんのOkazuブログで、アメリカにおけるマンガ出版の厳しい事情を3つの視点から(読者、配給会社、出版会社)説明しています。興味がある方は、是非読んでください: (英語)Okazu Redirect


Harsh reality of manga publishing in the US
Erica Friedman discussed in Okazu about the harsh reality of translated manga publishing from 3 different perspectives--reader, distributor, and publisher. For those interested in this discussion, please go to this article: Okazu Redirect

...Hmm, considering the small number of manga readers, and the rather disjointed publishing-distribution-sale processes, it's no wonder fans have a hard time buying mangas. (-_-;

I pray for the future growth, no matter how small, of the US manga market, Amen, somen (noodles), I'm ikemen (a stud). Okay? (Sorry for using Kanou Eikou's comedy bit.)