
moon walk


写真: 宇宙服と宇宙用の車椅子(?)の老夫婦を見た時、一瞬月面が見えて「私はどこ、ここは誰?」と思っちゃいました。(^^; 歳をとってもバリバリ頑張ってますネ。お疲れ様です!


I am where, and this place is who...?
On Saturday, there were a bunch of people, and naturally an insane amount of cosplayers. Last year, there were a lot of Naruto cosplayers, but this year, I noticed a lot of Bleach character cosplays. Of course, there were the usual fare of popular characters from comics/animation companies, Star Wars/Star Trek/sci-fi space suits, furry animal getups, military uniforms, hot girl models, hastily made cardboard "robots", families cosplaying a certain theme, and seemed like any and every type of cosplayer assembled in the hall or something.

Pic: When I saw this elderly couple wearing a space suit and riding a space (wheelchair) vehicle (?), I saw the surface of the moon for a moment and wondered "I am where, and this place is who...?" (^^; It's amazing to see older folks still cosplaying hard-core. Outstanding!

In addition to comics and animation booths, there were gaming booths, fresh artists doing sketches in the artists' alley, discussion panels, Hollywood stars promoting upcoming summer movies, etc. In fact, Keanu Reeves supposedly rode the ferry a bit earlier than Maritan did the other day. (*_*)

Sunday is the last day of the 4 day comic con. I'll go take another interesting photo! (^_^)