
shrek was there...



Back home...
The San Diego Comic Con ended on Sunday. Phew, that was fun. Usually, I'd be running around with work, translation, Baron, errands, incidents... but on trips like these, it's important to take a breather and relax, taking time doing things. Comipress compiled all the SDCC news into one place.

Right now I'm kiseichuu (parasite), no, kiseichuu (restricted)... err, I mean kiseichuu (back at my parents' home). Is my parents' home the only place that doesn't have freaking internet connection? The wireless connections around the neighborhood all have security codes so I can't steal some airwaves (not that I should even if I could) so I use the rather primitive method of dialing up via telephone to connect. (>_<)

I should return to Japan this weekend, and go back to my busy life again...