
mcdonalds expeditionary force...


アニメ系や海兵隊のためにならない小ネタの話から世界情勢まで、幅広いトピックスで盛り上がり、朝方まで話し込んでしまいました。私の変な日本語が勃発し「ダイバスターではなくガンバスターです」、「やおい時代じゃなくて弥生時代です」と突っ込まれました。(^^; (ダイバスターこちら。)


Two USMC freaks captured.
I invited 2 USMC fans, who were drilled to death at Maritan-related events, to my house today. They gobbled food at the restaurants on base, enjoyed the American atmosphere at the PX and other stores, and R-sempai and company joined us as well, so it ended up being a lively party. (^_^)

We chatted about a whole range of topics, from anime and useless/trivial Marine tidbits to global situations, almost until dawn. They corrected my weird Japanese at times, saying "Not Daibastar -- you mean Gunbuster" and "Not Yaoi Era -- Yayoi Era." (^^; (Check out Daibastar here.)

Every once in a while, Baron's mysterious but awfully cute antics were amusing. Man, the weekend blew by so fast.