
come back, summer...!


これからは出勤前に車の氷を削ったり、唇はパリパリになったり、しまいにゃ乾燥した空気のせいで一日中静電気でバチバチやられるんですね、私。静電防止グッズは全然効果無いし。冬季よ、早く終わってくれ… (>_<)

This morning, my car was covered with ice that I had to shave off. This marks the beginning of the season I dread most. (T_T)

From now on, I'll have to shave ice off my car before I go to work, my lips will chap like crazy, and because of the dry air, I'll get zapped with the static electricity all day long. I'm sure all those static electricity reducing trinkets won't work for me either. Dear winter, please end soon... (>_<)