
comes with a can of ”whoop-ass”




Men of low caliber.
For some reason, there are always guys who are so low in caliber. One of my bosses fall into that category, so it's a pain in the rear. Instead of focusing on the subordinate's job accomplishments, he's the type that will nitpick the minor, irrelevant mistakes. I have to deal with a bad type of stress that wears you down. (-_-;

But what's important is whether you're satisfied with your work or not. At my current workplace, some human relations aspects can be pretty annoying, but overall, I like the job itself, so until I can find a better work environment and transfer, I'll continue to do my best. Of course, there's always a possibility of staying for a long time here. Who knows.

When I'm not motivated enough in the morning, I rev up by watching Edo Harumi's "Gooood!" video clip or writing down manga ideas. I wish this pill really existed as well. R-sempai, thanks for the pic. (^_^)b