
wheee, ana got a new job...!



…でも沖縄への転勤となると、旦那を関東において単身赴任するか、又はここの仕事をやめてもらって一緒に引っ越して沖縄で再就職してもらうかすごく悩みます。まーでも、そこんところは旦那の決断任せとします。どうなることやら… (>_<)

Job offer.
This is out of the blue, but I've been offered a new job! It's a job in Okinawa, where I always wanted to return to, so I'm really happy to get selected. (^_^)b

The job itself sounds really interesting, and involves gaining a few subordinates to supervise. I thought it was a dream when they offered it to me, but it really had all the things I was looking for. I'm getting promoted from a lowly peon position to a great section chief post. d(^_^)b

...But since it involves moving down to Okinawa, I either have to leave my hubby back in the Kanto region and work separately, or have him quit his current job here to move with me and find a new job down there. Of course, that decision is my hubby's, not mine. I wonder what he'll decide... (>_<)