
please help mee...!



私: …実は転勤日が今月の15日でほとんど時間が無いんですが、どうしても行く前に○○をしなければなりません…何とかやってもらえないでしょうか?お願いします!
相手: うわー、大変ですね。…分かりました、少し待ってもらえますか?
私: ハイ!お願いします!!
相手: ○○日の○○時でしたら、大丈夫ですよ。それでよろしいでしょうか?
私: え、マジで?!はい、はい、もちろんです!スゲー!あ〜、ありがとうございます!(感激の涙)

転勤まであと12日… ピッ、ピッ、ピッ… (^^;

Sweating through forced coordination.
Argh, my schedule's nearly full already, but all these unforeseen items keep popping up, so I'm sweating cannonballs on how to fit them in. (T_T)

So, when I call people to coordinate something, it probably helps that my voice sounds really desperate and nervous, because the people on the other end try to be as flexible as possible, and save my ass in the end. (^_^)

Me: ...I'm going to my new job on the 15th of this month, leaving almost no time, but I really need to have *** accomplished before I go... is there any way you can fit that in somewhere? Please!
Person: Wow, you're in a tight situation. Okay... can you wait a sec?
Me: Sure! No problem!
 (Few minutes later)
Person: We can get you in at **AM on the **th. Is that good for you?
Me: What, really?! Yes, yes, I'm good with that! Wow! Man, thank you so much! (Tears of joy)
 (Repeat above conversation about 10 times a day)

Just 12 more days left... tick, tick, tick... (^^;