
little mecha, big mecha...



イベントの正式名は 「GREEN TOKYO ガンダムプロジェクト」 と言うことで、リサイクルなどのエコ意識をPRするブースがたくさんありましたが…当初は青い芝生におおわれた公園だったらしいが、我々が見学するまでに300万人以上も訪れた結果、草がことごとく踏み潰され、風が吹く度に砂塵が舞いおどる砂漠と化していました。エコなプロジェクトのはずが、皮肉な結果になったと思うのは、私だけ?(^^;

Life-size Gundam visit.
Since my hubby and I were in the Kanto region, we decided to go check out the life-size Gundam. The late afternoon sun was a little blinding, but it was fascinating to see Gundam light its eyes and blow some mist out. It was awesome to see it so up close and personal! (^o^)/

This pic compares the Gunpla (Gundam plastic model) and the life-size Gundam. Wow, they made the enormous Gundam with perfect proportions. (^_^)

Since the official project was named “GREEN TOKYO GUNDAM PROJECT”, there were a lot of booths promoting eco-friendly concepts, such as recycling, but... the park where they placed the Gundam used to be covered in green grass, but by the time we visited, over 3 million people trampled the crap out of the grass, which resulted in a barren desert area, with dust swirling about every time the wind blew. Am I the only one who saw the freaking irony in this supposed eco project? (^^;