
read you loud and clear...

とあるビーチの遊泳禁止の看板です。日本語では普通ですが、英語がちょっとね… (*_*)

「Swim prohibition」の組み合わせ、直訳ではたしかに「遊泳禁止」ですが、ニュアンス的には「水泳の全面禁止」または「遊泳差し止め」という印象で、かなり厳しい言い方になっちゃってます。


Harsh sign.
This is a "no swimming" sign at one of the beaches. It sounds okay in Japanese, but the English is a bit off... (*_*)

The Japanese characters mean "no swimming" but the English translation was too literal -- "swim prohibition." If you translate it back to Japanese, it becomes "total prohibition of swimming" or "comlete stop to swimming." A bit harsh, eh?

But I suppose the beach manager really doesn't want anyone swimming there. We hear you loud and clear. (^^;