
2010, year of the tiger...






Happy new year!
Thank you so much for all you did last year. May you have a wonderful new year. (^_^)

For me, 2009 flew by really fast. I started off with a broken computer, then moved to Okinawa, trudged through a mountain load of tasks at my new job, and before I knew it, the year was over. I had close to zero private time, and to my horror, I could barely update my blog. (T_T)

New year's resolutions: I'm gonna make more time for myself! And indulge in my hobbies! Like drawing manga! And update my blog more! Woohoo! (>_<)/

...Sorry for the absolutely dull goals. But hey, I'll work on it. (-_-;

Hope you have a great 2010! (^o^)/