
set phaser to ’stun’





スター・トレック スペシャル・コレクターズ・エディション [DVD]

スター・トレック スペシャル・コレクターズ・エディション [DVD]

The new "Star Trek" movie was a blast!
The other day, I watched the new "Star Trek" movie with glee. I really enjoyed it. (^_^)

I like the original TV series and Next Generation series, and delighted when Spock does something cool in the movie versions, so I guess you can say I'm a light Trekkie fan. (^^;

Back to the movie. It was funny to see that Captain Kirk was just as clumsy, fooled around with girls, and had a lot of fist fights even in his earlier days. I also liked the stoic way Spock thought through his troubles. Sulu's sword fighting skills were unexpectedly cool, and the other original series characters came out the woodwork in nostalgic and funny ways. (^_^)

People who know the Star Trek franchise probably enjoyed it as much as I did, but even those who aren't familiar with Star Trek can still enjoy this movie. (^o^)/