
purty pink fashion squad...



49話 出会い系報告?
50話 引かれた者
51話 救急救命士
52話 検視
53話 トークショー





Webmanga background story.
Looks like the webmanga server is back up, so I re-uploaded 5 new episodes. This story arc is about a supermodel named Disa Chowpey. (^_^)

Supermodel roadkill story arc:

049. Personal ad report?
050. Roadkill
051. Paramedics
052. Autopsy
053. Talk show

Here's a little inside story. "Chowpey" is a fictitious last name with no particular meaning, but "Disa" is actually a real name of my high school volleyball sempai. (^_^)

Back then, Disa sempai was a good sport and laughed at my stupid jokes during volleyball practice, and she's way prettier than my crappy rendering of the supermodel character. (>_<)

Also, the character's obsession with zits is a trait I pulled from Disa sempai as well. She admitted that even now, she's obsessed with zits. (^^;

She was into fashion back then, and is currently aiming to get into the fashion industry, so when I told her I named a supermodel character after her, she laughed her ass off. She even allowed me to share this inside story, which shows that she's still a good sport. Thank you, Disa sempai! (^o^)/