
general sheep



  1. ASAP
  2. NLT
  3. WRT
  4. SAM
  5. CAPT
  6. エンカン
  7. ブッカンバ
  8. ゾウケイ
  9. ジャーセン
  10. カボウタイ

全部分かりました?米軍略語については、こちらのサイトが役立つと思います:Acronym Finder(アクロニム・ファインダー)自衛隊用語は、自衛官に聞いてください。私も全部知るのに数年かかりました。慣れれば大したことないけど、それまでエライ苦労しました…(T_T) 答えは、コメントに書きましたので、是非確認して、自分の結果や感想を記入してください。

Military translation involves a buttload of acronyms
One of the challenging aspect about military translations are abbreviations/ truncated terms. US military acronyms are usually made from the first letter of each word, and Japan Self Defense Force terms are unique as it is, but when further truncated, it causes a lot more pain.

Let's do a little quiz. Please write out the meaning of each abbreviation (using kanji will give away the answers to SDF questions, so I'll use katakana/romaji instead):

  1. ASAP
  2. NLT
  3. WRT
  4. SAM
  5. CAPT
  6. "Enkan"
  7. "Bukkanba"
  8. "Zoukei"
  9. "Jaasen"
  10. "Kaboutai"

Did you get them all? This website might help you with the US military acronyms: Acronym Finder. For the SDF terms, please ask a SDF member. It took me a few years to know all of them. Abbreviations are no big deal once you get used to them, but until then, it was such a pain in the rear... (T_T) Oh, I wrote the answers out in the comments section, so please compare your answers and let me know how you did and what you thought of it.