
ahhhh, sun...


帰りのバスで、首都高からの景色を撮ってみました。キレイに撮れたかな?そういえば、私のブログを読んでくれる友人Aちゃんは「上手く枠に収めて、構図が良いね」と、私の写真撮影の腕を褒めていました。嬉しいっス。(^_^) …私は携帯やデジカメで撮影する時、どうしてもマンガの1コマっぽくしちゃうクセがあるみたいですね。

The weird gaijin returns.
My vacation was over in a blink of an eye, and I came back to Japan. Argh, gotta go back to work next week... sigh. (T_T)

On the bus ride back, I took a pic of the scenery from the Shuto Expressway. Did it come out nice? BTW, my friend A-chan, who reads my blog regularly, commented on my photo taking skills -- "The composition is great and fits into the frame nicely." Thanks for the compliment. (^_^) ...I guess I have a habit of making pics look like a manga panel or something.

This is a totally personal matter, but I've been getting the urge to reduce the volume of translations, so I could hurry up and present my manga online soon. (>_<)