





Impressions of the Mock USMC training and such.
I received a lot of emails from those who observed or participated in the Chara-Hobby 2008 Mock Marine training session. I'm glad all of you enjoyed it! (^_^)

Regarding the actual training, I wonder if anyone noticed the different roles R-sempai and I had? R-sempai had, of course, the "evil DI" role, so he ran around, yelling like a maniac, but I actually had the "suppressor/balancer" role, keeping things in check. While sempai bellowed to instill fear and discipline in the trainees, I screamed like mad in places where there wasn't enough discipline, and if things got out of hand, I intervened to calm the situation a bit, subtly fixing trainees' postures in between all that... simply put, I was there to ensure the training went smoothly. Though it looked like total chaos, each and every one of our moves were calculated down to the smallest detail. Well, I guess from a layman's perspective, it only looked like two crazy, evil DIs just tearing the place apart... (^^;

I found a few more sites that covered their impressions of the Marine training (Japanese):

All the sites I saw so far had positive coverage of our event. It was worth losing our voices over it. Cool. (^-^)b