


夕方、家に戻り、夕食を食べたと思いますが、ほとんど覚えてないし、いつの間にかベッドで寝てました。以前ほど徹夜できないのが悲しぃ… (T_T)
Big job.
I stayed up all last night to prepare for a big job, and fortunately, it went well this morning. I wish it occured in the afternoon so the nervousness would keep me awake for most of the day, but since it finished in the morning, my body relaxed and I struggled with sleepiness until I went home. (-_-;

When I got home at sunset, I can't quite recall if I ate dinner, but I somehow ended up in bed, knocked out. I'm so sad that my body can't handle pulling all-nighters as much anymore... (T_T)