
not in my class...



Lecture at Camp Kodaira again.
Yesterday, I went to Camp Kodaira's Language School again to do a lecture. I'm sure the young Sergeants had to listen to all the stiff lectures/classes by the time it was my turn, so they were probably taken aback by my suprisingly loose lecture style. Every now and then, I'd throw in imitations of popular comedians and share really trivial knowledge with them. Of course, I'm sure it helps to ease the tension or something. (^^;

Also, my lecture style is the "forced participation lecture" in which I'd squeeze out answers and reactions from the students. By involving the students, it hopefully piques their interest and keeps them awake. But of course, I speak so damn loud that I doubt any of them would fall asleep.

I always enjoy doing this lecture. It's a form of stress relief for me! I'll be baaack. (^_^)