
military issue pikachu gas mask...?

昔描いたマンガを整理してたら、懐かしいモノが出てきた。コレは、私が海兵隊の化学防護学校(正確にはNBCD School、核・生物・化学兵器防護学校)にいた頃にデザインしたクラスTシャツです。他の学生も幾つかデザインしたんですが、最終的になぜかこのかなりふざけたモノが選ばれました。明らかにパクリもんです、ハイ。(^^;

シャツの前の左胸あたりに学校のロゴがあって、後ろにはこのデザインがでっかくプリントされてました。上の「NBC 3-00」は、うちのクラス番号。「NBC」はさっき説明した核・生物・化学防護職種で、入校期間は2000年3月〜6月だったから「3-00」は2000年3月の略です。英語版のポケモンのキャッチフレーズは「Gotta catch'em all!」(全て捕まえろ!)だったんで、かなりブラックな内容の「Gotta gas'em all!」(全員に毒ガスだ!)にしました。スミマセン。(>_<)


NBCD School T-shirt.
As I was sorting through my old manga drawings, I ran across a nostalgic item. This is a T-shirt design I drew as a class shirt at my US Marine Corps NBCD (Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Defense) School. Of course, other students drew up other designs as well, but for some reason my un-PC bullsh*t design got chosen. Yes I admit, it's totally WRONG. (^^;

On the front was my school's logo, but this design filled the whole backside. The "NBC 3-00" at the top was our class number. "NBC" was Nuke-Bio-Chem as explained before, and "3-00" was the month and year or our class, from March 2000 to June 2000. The English version of Pokemon had the catchphrase "Gotta catch'em all!" so I put some black humor by writing "Gotta gas'em all!" Sorry. (>_<)

I only saved two shirts for myself, one white and one beige (other colors were black, blue, and green), but back then, each classmate bought one shirt each, and some even bought 5 or 6 of them, selling over a 100 shirts total. Oh yeah... if anyone wants one, maybe I should do a reprint? Any takers? (^_^)