
use car or human for size reference.



かぁーぐ(家具)よ来い、早く来い… (>_<)

I'll be living here.
I finally found a good place. It's pretty new, under a 15 minute commute by car, and meets about 90% of the conditions I was seeking. But I became a victim of the Japanese system of paying for the deposit, honorarium/key money, etc. which blew out my pockets. (T_T)

3 cars fit in the parking lot I'm standing in, and 3 more cars can park roadside along the right wall, so a lot of people (like anime folks?) can come over without any problems. Of course, I have no idea how many people can actually come visit at one time... (^^;

Now I just have to wait for all my furniture to arrive, my lovely darling furniture... (>_<)