
beware of furry snipers...!




62話 狙い
63話 下手な射撃
64話 ウルトラM&M's
65話 ハロウィン
66話 メモ
67話 狙撃手


(Webmanga) Dirty gun series, part 2 uploaded.

The "Dirty gun" story arc Part 2 has 6 episodes focusing on Major's shooting skills after he overcomes his gun phobia. (^_^)

Part 2: Shooting coach

062. Aim
063. Bad shot
064. Ultra M&M's
065. Halloween
066. Memo
067. Sniper

Actually, 2 of the episodes ran during Halloween, so it's a short break from the story arc. The burn victim guy is one of my recurring characters. (^^;

...What does Mocha's cousin look like? You'll know in part 3. Until next time! (^_^)