
your friendly neighborhood snipers..


68話 士官候補生
69話 特級射撃手
70話 ゴーグル
71話 射的
72話 重火器
73話 振り出し


(Webmanga) Dirty gun series, part 3 (final) uploaded.
The rather long "Dirty Gun" series concludes in the last 6 episodes in Part 3. Major finally gets a coach for his marksman training. But will he ever become a handgun expert? (^^;

Part 3: Progress?
068. Cadet
069. Expert marksman
070. Goggles
071. Target
072. Heavy weapons
073. Square one

The new character is actually one of my favorite characters. If you read the episodes, you'll probably know why I like this person. (^_^)