
pixel worm crawler...








Assisted Chara Hobby 2010.
In order to assist at this year's Chara Hobby event, my hubby and I took some time off and flew to the Kanto region! (>_<)

The Maritan corner this year featured not only the usual JSDF stuff, but also the US Army Japan's military vehicle (hummer) and a few Soldiers. In light of the 50th anniversary of the US-Japan alliance, it was a great bilateral display. Woohoo! (^_^)/

The first day Maritan event consisted of the JGSDF PT training, and a talk show with Tokunaga Ai-san and Kadowaki Maii-san. I'm glad that the audience seemed to enjoy both the training and talk show. (^_^)

Afterwards, we assisted the staff a bit, and returned to the stage area to find the loyal "Sergeant Cafe survivors" standing by, eagerly awaiting my 'special' training (ie. evil PT session). Why do you guys look forward to so much pain? (^^;

Actually, I look forward to this part, because I get to do some fun Marine stuff and relieve stress once a year here. lol (^_^)

This time around, I put them through some basic body-building exercises and crawling techniques, and also taught them how to handle knives and pistols safely. Instead of just having them do some crawls as is, I carefully placed my boot on their helmets to add some resistance to improve their strength. This is the third year I trained them, but it's encouraging to see them get stronger both physically and mentally each time. (^-^)

Continued to the second day...