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この間、シカゴカブズ所属の福留選手を応援するはずの"It's gonna happen!"プラカードの日本語訳が、とんでもないセリフ「偶然だぞ!」というニュースがありましたよね?自動翻訳の限度が世に知れて良かったです。翻訳と言う仕事はやはり人間がしないとね(せめて最終チェックだけでも。)


  • 原文(英語): "...the English used in Maritan shouldn't ever be used. Simply put, they're considered "fighting words", so if you mistakingly spout one of the phrases to an American, they'll either kick your butt or just straight up kill you."
  • 原文(日本語): 「まりたんの英語は絶対に活用してはいけない英語です。簡単に言えば「ケンカ言葉」の類ですので、アメリカ人に間違って言ってしまったら、確実にボコられるか殺されるかのどっちかです。」
  • 翻訳文(英語): "...Maritan’s English is not for you to use. They are words to create an enemy. If you say it to Americans, for sure, you will be beaten if not killed.”



The fine nature of translation
A while back, does anyone remember the news clip on Fukudome, the Japanese pro ball player in the Chicago Cubs, where fans held up the bungled Japanese translation of the phrase "It's gonna happen" (Guuzen dazo -> Dumb luck)? I'm glad people realized the limits of automated translations. Humans need to be the ones translating (at least the final review at a minimum.)

Recently, I was able to experience a similar situation. The AkibaBlog article that quoted me was translated into English. Let's compare my original Japanese and English statements with the English translation:

  • Original (Eng): "...the English used in Maritan shouldn't ever be used. Simply put, they're considered "fighting words", so if you mistakingly spout one of the phrases to an American, they'll either kick your butt or just straight up kill you."
  • Original (Jpn): 「まりたんの英語は絶対に活用してはいけない英語です。簡単に言えば「ケンカ言葉」の類ですので、アメリカ人に間違って言ってしまったら、確実にボコられるか殺されるかのどっちかです。」
  • Translation (Eng): "...Maritan’s English is not for you to use. They are words to create an enemy. If you say it to Americans, for sure, you will be beaten if not killed.”

...hmm, it's almost there. The meaning of each word or phrase are conveyed accurately, but the overall meaning of the sentence is off a bit. But it is quite intriguing.

Translation is as different as each individual, and as such, retains the unique aspects of the translator. Even machine translation contains the unique characteristic of the person who made or set up the translation algorithm. The original text is fun, but translated text can be entertaining as well. When another person adds something to the miso soup, you can discover a new flavor! or something like that. Of course, it could end up a disaster, too. The experiment continues. (^_^)