ザ・無謀な任務: まりたん大人買いせよ!


昨夜、仕事のあと旦那とアキバへ向かい、「まりたん集中ドリルかいへい3ねんせいよう」と一緒にもらえる「ののしりCD」全7枚を買いに行きました。あまり秋葉原に行かない二人は、書店を探すのに苦労しました。(T_T) でも閉店前になんとか全てゲット!やったー!わー、ヒライ先生の書き下ろしイラストもある!スゲー!


満足感に浸りながら帰りましたが、途中でふと気づいんです。「ん?何か忘れてるような… はっ!せな★せな買うの忘れた!!書き下ろしイラストが完成できない… はうっ。」 ヒライ先生、ごめんなさい、すぐ買いに行きます。orz

The Reckless Mission: Hoard the complete Maritan set!
Last night after work, my husband and I headed to Akihabara to get all the "Nonoshiri CDs" (Cursing CDs) that come as extras when you purchase "Maritan Focused Drills Marine 3rd Grade Edition" at select shops. Of course, we weren't too familiar with Akihabara, so we almost got lost during our search. (T_T) But somehow we acquired all 7 CDs! All right! Another bonus item is Hirai sensei's original illustration! Awesome!

(Hobby Japan plans to give me a few complimentary copies of the book, but the number of friends in the States who wanted it exceeded my share, so I thought I'd contribute to the profits and buy a few more books on my own. Any copies left over will be retained for "research/education purposes.")

I felt a sense of satisfaction on the way back, but it suddenly hit me. "Hm? There's something I'm forgetting... Hah! I totally forgot to buy Sena★Sena!! I can't complete the two-part original illustration without it... doh." Hirai sensei, I'm so sorry, I'll go buy it immediately. orz