orz がカットされた!

translator machinegun



今さらですが、原作の表紙は2バージョンあります(ありやちゃんが手にしている物と足元が違うだけです。)英語版で使用された帯の絵では、手にマシンガンを持ち、足元に影がありますが、実際の表紙には紫の花束を持ち、足元に青い花が散りばめてます。比較して見ると: (左は帯と英語版、右は原作の帯無しの表紙)
Maid Machinegun: A Novel     メイド・マシンガン
"orz" was cut out!
Today, I read the English translation of Maid Machinegun. The cover felt a little rough, the book size was a little smaller and slightly thinner than the Japanese original, but 3 pages of illustrations in the front were left in color. Also, the emoticons and other icons in the original, such as, ^_^, ★, T_T, ♫, etc. were used, but only "orz" was cut out. The reason for removal was Sadako, err, I mean,sadaka (not clear), but final decisions rest with the editor and/or publishers, so oh well. But the deletions doesn't negatively affect the story, so there's no problem.

Personally, I liked the "orz" icon, so I was a little disappointed. orz

It took me a while to realize this, but the original book had 2 versions of the cover (only differences are the object Aaliyah-chan is holding and the ground.) The English version utilized the version drawn on the extra book flap (obi), where she's holding a machinegun and her shadow on the ground, but the actual original cover without the flap had her holding a bouquet of purple flowers, and blue flowers scattered on the ground. Comparison can be seen above. The left is the flap and English version, and the right is the actual original cover (under the flap).
(Sadako is the fictional character in the movie, manga and novel, Ring)