
i’m blushing with joy...


ANNレビューはこちら: アライブ マンガ第5巻 レビュー(英語)
原作者の河島正先生のブログにも紹介されてます: http://www.murasakien.com/blog/2008/08/alive_5.php


実はこの連載を翻訳する際、北斗の券やら、マキロンやら、カツ丼やら…「ギャグや日本独特の要素をここまで説明していいのかな?」とずっと悩んでたんですが、アメリカの読者はこと細かい説明を求めてるんですね。良かった!(^_^) ではこれからも注釈によりいっそう力を入れます!

Alive 5: The Final Evolution

Alive 5: The Final Evolution

Alive 5 review
If I introduced every single review of all the titles I translated, it'd never end, but this one is a bit unique, because Anime News Network reviewed "Alive vol.5" and focused more on the story and translation than the art itself. (^_^)

Here is the ANN review:  ALIVE GN 5 Review
Kawashima Tadashi sensei, the creator, also introduced it in his blog:  ALIVE 5 review (Japanese)

As a translator, this quote made me smile: "A glossary in the back fills out the cultural dimension of the story, with surprisingly thorough notes on assorted topics like food, linguistics, and the supernatural."

As I translated this series, I came across Fist of the North Star, Makiron, katsudon, etc. and always wondered, "Is it okay for me to go this deep with explanations?" but I guess American readers want very detailed explanations. Great! (^_^) I'll continue to place even more muscle into the explanations!