MCMAP(マクマップ) パート2


イヤー、ステージは柔らかいマットが敷かれてなく、固い板だったんで、頭ごと倒された時は「ドスン!」と大きな音がして、観客が一瞬ざわめいたんです。後輩は勢いよくやり過ぎて、私の頭を床に叩いたんです…(>_<) 動画でわかるかもしれないんですが、私が立ち上がると、まだちょっとクラクラしてたんですよ。でも何とか彼女の襟を掴んで、あとは後輩にされるがままに…

一応、デモンストレーションの段取りは決まってて良かったです。じゃなければ、加減の知らない後輩にボカスカやれてたかも… (T_T)

MCMAP Part 2
Continued from yesterday. This time it's me and a kouhai duking it out with bare hands. First, I put her in a wrist lock, then she grabbed and twisted my head to take me down, and finally, when I grabbed her collar, she put me in an arm lock and walked me off the stage. The original link is here.

Man, the hard wooden stage didn't have any soft mats laid out, so when she took me down, a large "THUD!" echoed throughout the room, and the audience gasped for a moment. My kouhai overdid it and slammed my head against the floor...(>_<) Not sure if you can tell from the clip, but when I stood up, I was still a little whoozy. But I somehow grabbed her collar and let her do the rest...

FYI, all the moves in the demos were pre-planned. Otherwise, my overly motivated kouhai would've beaten me to a pulp... (T_T)