
love the milk jug!


朝はかざみさんとエリカさんらと朝食しながら北米マンガ・アニメ事情のディープな会話をして、午後はキャンプ座間に顔出してあいさつ回りと飲み会。1年ぶりの横田基地もそうだけど、キャンプ座間も雰囲気変わってない。良いのか悪いのかはさておき… (^^;

With Patorasshu (Patrache).
I didn't attend the second business day at TAF 2010, but here's a pic of me with Patrache. (^_^)

That morning, I had breakfast and deep conversations about the US manga/anime industry with Kazami-san and Erica's crew, and in the afternoon, headed out to Camp Zama to go say hi to some folks and go out for drinks. Just like Yokota Air Base, which I hadn't visited for about a year, Camp Zama hadn't changed all that much, either. No need to delve on whether that's good or bad, though... (^^;