TAF 2010 初日。

cold outside, warm inside...




TAF 2010 first day.
I went to the first day of the Tokyo International Anime Fair (TAF) 2010 business days. By the time I braved through all the bitter cold and rain outside, I felt like I conquered South Pole when I finally reached the site. I was dog-tired even before the event began. (>_<)

Compared to the other events, the convention hall seemed spread out... or actually, barren but easy to navigate. If this was Comiket, it would've been unbearably packed. (^^;

We had a coffee break with Erica and crew to warm up before the dinner gathering that night. In the picture are Mari (left) and Erica (right). Erica said, "You don't have to black out our eyes," but I explained my blogging policy of treating everyone, except voice actresses and Baron, like criminals and black out the eyes, which got her to chuckle. (^_^)