
spank me, baby...


避妊メガネとは、その名のとおりBirth Control Glasses(バース・コントロール・グラセズ)略してBCGです。海兵隊ブートキャンプで支給されるBCGは、激しい訓練に適した頑丈なべっこう縁メガネですが…見てのとおり、ものすごく醜いモノです。男子はそれほどでもないんですが、コレをかけるとどんなにカワイイ娘でも、色気や性欲を一瞬に失い、ものすごくブスになってしまう恐ろしい最強装備です。(T_T)



Birth control glasses...
The other day, we were cracking up about the Marine Corps issued birth control glasses, so I'd like to explain about it a bit. (^_^)

Birth control glasses (BCGs) mean exactly that, "birth control" glasses. At USMC boot camp, we are issued durable, horn-rimmed BCGs... but as you can see, it's really fugly. It's not so bad on guys, but no matter how pretty a girl is, the BCGs will eliminate all sexiness and desire almost instantly, effectively making the poor girls look absolutely butt ugly. (T_T)

During boot camp, you'll never have a chance to think about anything else but the training, but just in case, the Drill Instructors will issue BCGs to make you forget about the opposite sex, much less your own makeup or fashion and crap. Of course, recruits with good vision will never have to experience the humiliation of wearing BCGs, but for super near-sighted dorks like me, we're stuck with these suckers. The pic is me and a (NBC) chem school classmate acting stupid. As you can see, half my face is covered by them ugly things, and you can only see my teeth... (T_T)

When I got to my first unit, I half gave up on "being attractive", and half lazy to change glasses, so I continued to wear my BCGs. My Master Gunnery Sergeant (female) took one look at me and yelled, "Why are you still wearing that?! Don't you have any pride as a woman? Change glasses, NOW!" and ordered me to the military hospital to get new glasses that same day. Actually, up until that point, we were forced to wear BCGs until we graduated MOS school, and I didn't know there were other types of military glasses. Man, was I relieved when I saw the less ugly/non-obtrusive optical frames at the hospital. (^^;

Oh, I'm still wearing the same glasses I chose back then. I change the lenses out every year, but keep using the same frame. (^-^)b