
dog pilot



そういえば「Hard Rock制服のためのラブソング」(DMP)と言うBLマンガを翻訳した時は、生理的に受け付けられなく、かなり強い拒絶反応をしたんですが、「早く翻訳して次の作品で口直しをしなければ!」と考え、今までで一番早いスピード仕上げでした。もちろん、翻訳の質は落ちない程度に!勢いがあったせいか、作品に見合ったエネルギッシュな翻訳になりました。(^_^)

Hard to get things rolling...
When translating manga and novels, I need to wade through the first part of the book before any progress is made. The ball doesn't roll quickly until I finish up the first 40 pages of a manga, or first 80 pages of a novel. I suppose it's the amount of pages or time I need in order to finally get into a story or something? If I like a particular title, I blast through the translation from the get go and finish it in no time, but if I'm indifferent to the story, it's really difficult for me to jump into the story all the way through, so my translation pace slows down considerably.

One of the series I'm working on is in the latter category, so my translation "engine" hasn't even started yet. I've wasted 3 whole days already with no progress. Luckily, I still have plenty of time before the deadline, but if I don't start soon, things will suck. (-_-;

Previously, when I worked on a BL manga "Hard Rock"(DMP), I was totally put off by it, but I thought, "I need to get this over with and refresh myself with a new title, pronto!" and finished the translation in record time. Of course, the quality of translation wasn't compromised! In fact, because of my strong desire to push through the story, the translation was energetic and matched the story.(^_^)