
miator jet

以前soulassassin547さんがストパニマリみて戦闘機をデザインしたんですが、今回はフライトシミュレーターでテスト飛行をしました。カッコいいと言うか、おかしいと言うか…傑作です!テールフィンのロゴが最高です!でもこんなのが空母に着陸したらバカウケですね。(^_^) 他の画像はこちら



Miator VMFA!
A while back, soulassassin547 designed StoPani/Marimite Marine Fighter Attack Squadrons, but this time he launched them on a test flight in a flight simulator. It's cool, but yet really hilarious... and quite a masterpiece! The tail fin logos are a riot! But if this plane landed on an aircraft carrier, it would take absurdity to a whole new level. (^_^) To see more pics, click here.

Today, the Miator Marine Fighter Attack Squadron will conduct deep attacks in order to shape the battlefield in preparation for tomorrow's real battle(?) ...Ah, excuse me. I was just talking to myself. It's nothing. (^^;

soulassassin547, thanks for making me laugh again!