
are fake genuine watches better?

一昨日、腕時計の中に水が入ってしまい、水滴や曇りで数字が見えなくなってしまった… orz

時間の感覚が狂ったせいか、今日は仕事を終え、帰宅しようと個室から出たら、同僚どころか、上司すらも帰っていて、事務所全体が真っ暗でした。なんと、通常の帰宅時間より2時間ほど残業してもうた。そんな時間だったら誰も居残ってないでしょー。最後に事務所から出るのは結構薄気味悪いですね。(^^; (まー、壁の時計を見ればそれで済むけど、自分がどれほど腕時計に頼ってか分かっちゃった。)

My watch looks like a sauna.
Two days ago, some water got into my watch, and due to the water droplets and fogginess, I can't see the numbers... orz

Because of that, when I finished work and came out of my office to go home, I walked into the darkness--since all the lights in the workplace were turned off--and my co-workers and even my bosses weren't there anymore. It turns out that I stayed at work two hours later than usual. Of course no one else would stay that late in the office. And being the last person to leave the office is kinda creepy. (^^; (Well, I could've kept track of time by looking at the wall clock, but I finally realized how much I depend on my watch.)

Sniff, I must buy a new watch soon... (T_T)